This operation removes excess skin in and around the breast that has been stretched during pregnancy or weight fluctuations. Breast implants may also be used in conjunction with this procedure to achieve the desired result.
Breast Up-lift Details
Length: Approximately two to three hours.
Anesthesia: General anesthesia is administered and the patient is completely asleep. The procedure can also be performed under intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.
Inpatient/Outpatient: Either is possible depending on the patient’s medical condition and the preference of the surgeon.
Possible Side Effects: Temporary bruising, swelling, some mild discomfort, numbness, and dry/tender breast skin.
Recovery: The patient can return to work within one week or more and may resume strenuous activities after one month. The fading of scars may take several months to one year.
What are the risks?
- Unfavorable scarring with keloid formations is possible.
- Skin loss
- Infection
- Unevenly positioned nipples (asymmetry)
- The possibility of permanent loss of feeling in the nipples and/or the breasts
The Recovery Process
The outcome varies from patient-to-patient. Other factors that may influence results are: gravity, pregnancy, aging, and weight changes which may cause new sagging. Results may last longer or be enhanced when breast implants are inserted as part of the procedure adding support to the newly positioned breast tissue.